The Quatuor Amapola was born of a meeting at the Haute École de Musique de Genève between Jose Nisa, Ana Parejo, Jocelyn Erard, Valentin Arrayet, and composer Peter Eötvös during a collaboration on his quartet, Lectures différentes. This experience encourages the group to delve into and explore the chamber music repertoire, offering music in which they exploit the group's artistic possibilities to the full.
Already rich in encounters, Amapola has been able to share its universe of sound with many audiences: at the Festival Ma Région Virtuose (Les Herbiers), at the Swiss Chamber Music Festival (Frutigen), at the 30th anniversary of the Geneva Chamber Orchestra at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (Geneva), at the Fête de la Musique (Geneva and Confignon), at the Paléo Festival (Nyon) and also in collaboration with the Musée des Beaux Arts in Le Locle. The quartet is also keen to share its music with audiences who don't have the opportunity to visit a traditional concert hall: they have thus shared their music with residents of the Psychiatric Hospital in Annecy and residents of the EMS Les Charmettes and the Hôpital du Beau Séjour in Geneva.
The quartet also worked closely with Noémie Bialobroda, Hans Egidi, Joshua Hyde, Ties Mellema and Pierre-Stéphane Meugé at the Haute École de Musique de Genève. Amapola was also invited to take part in the European Creative Academy - Annecy in the summer of 2022.
Despite their recent formation, they were awarded the prestigious ORPHEUS Swiss Chamber Music Competition 2022.
Amuse-Bouche - Swiss Chamber Music Festival
Dorfplatz, Adelboden
Musiker:innen im Gespräch, Swiss Chamber Music Festival
Dorfplatz, Adelboden
Preisträgerkonzert, Swiss Chamber Music Festival
BLS Erhaltungszentrum, Frutigen
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Genève
Musique à Midi
Salle André Trocmé, Genève
Concert Ma Région Virtuose
Théâtre Pierre Barouh, Les Herbiers (France)
Paroisse de St Cergue, Saint Cergue (Suisse)
Concert Georges Aperghis
Haute École de Musique, Genève
Fête de la musique
Cour de l'Hôtel de Ville, Genève
Concerts du Coeur - Ami-pola
EMS de la Vendée
Les Concertinos de Pornic
Espace Val Saint Martin, Pornic (France)
Traces ahead (premiere)
La Voirie, Biel (Suisse)